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Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:

After Covid changed the entertainment business, actors are rarely asked to come in person for first-round auditions. The new normal has become a world of self-taping, a process of an actor recording themselves reading the lines at home before editing and sending it in to the casting team.


To help you on this journey, Redfin reached out to an assortment of experts in the entertainment business to gather tips about what gear you need to create the perfect self-tape studio.


Read the full article here: 18 Tips for Building a Self-Tape Studio in Your Home: Tips from Experts in the Field | Redfin

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Bold Journey: Hi Jo, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?

Jo: I graduated in human resource psychology and systemics in my university years in belgium. Then when I started acting, I realized that no matter how hard I studied acting it wasn’t making me a better actress. Quite the contrary, the more I studied and trained, the more disconnected I felt. I was a good actress but I wasn’t becoming great. I was also realizing that my actor colleagues were having similar experiences as me. They studied and trained a lot, they worked hard before their auditions but they usually were not very free at all. In fact it was very rare to see a truly free and alive actor.

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"CANVASREBEL: Jo, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today.

What’s something crazy on unexpected that’s happened to you or your business?


Jo: The craziest story...

In “The Reset Journey”, we have mainly actors. But we also have singers, writers, directors, therapists, etc. They all start to reset in order to move through their conditioning and get back to their truth, feeelings, instinct and freedom.

What we didn’t expect is that it also heals people from the craziest diseases!!"

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"The traditional approach to acting is that it needs to be learned, with method, technique. So the traditional approach is that acting must be taught because there is one way to doit and that is the right way. I come from the OPPOSITE perspective: NO ART CAN BE TAUGHT. NO MASTERPIECE COMES FROM A METHOD, OR A TECHNIQUE."

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The fact that we were all free when we were children. We were all beautifully and truthfully free when we were little. Then we got conditioned and, as adult actors, we feel tied up, protected, and reacting with learned behaviors and not with our true instinct.

Therefore, my main inspiration is the true, wonderful childlike aliveness and freedom that we all have deep down. I’m obsessed with helping people get what they deserve...


In this episode, Jo Kelly shares her approach to acting that can help you identify the reasons you’re not able to perform to your full potential. Jo has discovered that once you can work through your blocks, acting becomes natural, effortless and instinctive.  If you're struggling in the audition room or on set, even after preparing your best, you won't want to miss this informative class.

-- Jo Kelly -- Episode 13

This masterclass is a part of the #StayAtHomeActor Series + Giveaway hosted by Elise Arsenault. You can find more free resources and discussion to keep you plugged into your acting and motivated by clicking here


"Actor Survival Guide to 2022 with an All-Star Lineup of Coaches" - Part 1

-- Jo Kelly -- Episode 56

Listen on

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"If you're always in the DO, DO, DO and you never sit on your sofa and do any sofa therapy, you will not even know what you want and what makes sense for you because you are disconnected from yourself. It's not even possible to receive and allow the things you want because you have no idea what you want. You're so plugged into the matrix of what others want, the people pleasing and getting validation, love, and status and ego... that you cannot even know and hear what you want".

"Actor Survival Guide to 2022 with an All-Star Lineup of Coaches" - Part 2

-- Jo Kelly -- Episode 57

Listen on

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"The work I do with actors is to help them realize that what they have is perfect."

-- Jo Kelly -- Episode 164


"When you grow up people-pleasing, you’re growing up conditioned to please your parents, teachers, and society...As an actor, the instant you want to please, you’re not present to what is happening with your character."


The great news is…if you’re an actor feeling like a victim of the pandemic, you CAN take your power back — and unearthing your instinct and freedom is the perfect place to start.

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This page is short and sweet, but very effective. It starts with a good description that gets right to the point and tells visitors exactly what they’re going to learn—and how that information will benefit both them and their family.



4 Ways to Instantly Fall in Love in a Scene

When actors are booked for a romantic scene, they often come to me with a common problem – they feel blocked when it comes to feeling authentic love for their scene partner.



"...Gracias a mi coach imprescindible, Jo Kelly, descubrimos que el texto no era sólo teatral, sino que también era un homenaje a la persona que más valor y respeto me dio en mi vida: Federico Luppi." Susana Hornos

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