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Jo Kelly

Registration is now open for Reset Journey. From Resistance To Freedom™ is a 33 day, uninterrupted, online course designed for actors to reset and radically awaken their instrument - for good.

"Online acting training?! Is that even possible, Jo?"


It may sound strange at first to train online. You're used to the traditional acting class where you can mingle, feel the energy of the studio, and do some scenes with other actors you can actually touch and feel...


Online training, in particular the Reset Journey, will knock your socks off!

Because the experience is nothing like you think it will be.

If you're imagining being stuck at your desk straining to stay away through a lecture, THINK AGAIN.

What actually happens inside of our private community is nothing short of SPECTACULAR!

  • You work on yourself and on your instrument, without wasting time comparing yourself to others.

  • You work every single day so you can actually transform FASTER.

  • You work no matter where you are (home, car, train, Central Park, another country, on set, ANYWHERE!).

  • You work with an international community of actors and other artists.

  • It is CHEAPER than a traditional acting class.

  • It’s extremely convenient.

So head over to the website to check out the details and find out why actors call this course THE MISSING PIECE they wish they'd had when they first started.

In only 33 days from now, you can have an instrument that is 100% instinctive, in the zone, and undeniable in the room.

And more importantly, you will feel like your amazing, truthful & limitless self.

Your life should be nothing less than that, in my opinion.

Here's the link again. Enrollment closes at the end of the week, so don't wait.

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom #onlineactingclass #authenticactor #acting #instinct


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