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Jo Kelly

When you're instinctive in your acting, it’s a whole different ball game, isn't it?

You feel fully alive, fully expressed, whole, free, authentic, in flow. You may even surprise yourself. When you know you're impacting your audience, whether that's a casting director or a viewer, it's sheer bliss.

I mean, I could go on all day about how wonderful it feels...

(Can you sense there is a BUT coming? 😉)

But when you're not able to be in the moment, when you catch yourself acting, it can be hard to find you way back to being instinctive.

If you wanna move fast and skip to the goodies, you can download this FREE training “STOP TRYING TO BE A GOOD ACTOR SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE AT BEING GREAT"

Now back to our story…

It's disappointing to realise you're maybe not as instinctive of an actor as you thought, and many actors get frustrated because they can't figure out how to access this pseudo-superpower when they need it most.

But rest assured, I have a lil something for you! When you watch my free training, you’ll discover....

  1. The #1 reason you are confused and uncertain how to become instinctive

  2. How to deal with this obstacle

  3. The first step to take RIGHT NOW to start muscling up your instinctive instrument

Watch the training below and get started.

Let me know in our private Facebook Group, and connect with me and more than a THOUSAND like-minded actors across the globe waiting to cheer you on!

If you’re not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP.

See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free Facebook Group, THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS’ SOCIETY, exclusively for actors who are ready to go from good to great and become undeniable. REQUEST TO JOIN:

  2. Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set. You’ll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days. GET ON WAITLIST:


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