As a child, you were systematically conditioned out of your authentic and free self. You were disconnected from your freedom because it was considered to be "wrong". As a result, you now face resistance towards that very freedom, lacking a direct connection to your instinct. This disconnection prevents you from being entirely yourself, free of any masks or coping mechanisms, which undeniably affects your presence in your performances.
When you act, you find yourself detached from your own truth, feelings, and sensations. You attempt to perform "right" to gain approval from directors or casting directors. This effort propels you into "people-pleasing" tendencies, looking for approval, love and external validation.
Yet, this quest overshadows your capacity to stay present. You suppress your feelings and sensations, having been conditioned to view them as "negative". For example, as a child, you were asked not to cry, get angry or be too loud in your happiness. In other words, you were expected to repress your true and authentic feelings. Then, you went to school and you were asked to be quiet, sit down and do as you’re told. If you expressed yourself fully, you could be punished, ashamed or humiliated.
Thus, you put on a mask and try to fix yourself. For that, you attend acting classes, where instructors aim to teach you the art of acting proficiently. You try to improve constantly. But the more you do that and the more techniques you use in your performances; the more you get disconnected from yourself.
Then, you hold onto the hope that, eventually, you will be completely free and able to deliver remarkable performances. But then you realize that if you don’t work on your instrument, nothing changes. You remain attached to the outcome of your performances, controlling and planning them meticulously.
However, during your childhood, you effortlessly accessed your freedom, truth, presence, and joy. Engaging in character play was devoid of any effort or ego, embodying sheer purity and uniqueness.
Therefore, the work to do is to reset your instrument so you can go back to that childlike self. Once you go through this Reset Journey, you are able to show up vulnerably and authentically before the camera or an audience, thereby paving the way for Oscar-worthy performances that truly resonate and make an impact.
Watch my training below to hear all my thoughts on this topic.
From Resistance To Freedom 33 Day Reset Journey™ is for actors who are ready to stop struggling, done with trying every new "method" out there, and who are ready to access their natural, authentic, instinctive and ridiculous talent and humanity.
