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How Will Having An Aligned Agent Impact Your Career And Life?

Jo Kelly

You may be stuck in the mindset that it’s difficult to find an agent or a better agent and use those perceptions of the industry as excuses for you not to have the best aligned agent. However, if you have a completely open and free instrument and a system for the business side of acting in place, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have the best aligned agent, show up at the auditions that they will send you and have a blast while doing them.

When you watch my training below you'll discover that when you’re not free and you don’t have an agent who’s aligned with you, you’re maneuvering in your acting career in an unsafe way. This may make you feel unfulfilled, doubtful or fearful about what’s gonna happen with your career or how you’re gonna get an audition. You waste your energy hunting for another agent or solving issues with your current agent because you lack communication. This can definitely deplete your energy and leave you in a place where your creative energy is not available. Therefore, you’re not ready to go.

However, when you move from having a misaligned agent or not having an agent to having an aligned one, you know that you have the person you’re meant to work with. Therefore, you feel safe and you don’t need to overthink it anymore. You don’t have to look for auditions yourself and you are available to be creative, work on your instrument and get ready when an audition knocks on your door.

Then, you can only go higher in your career because you have incredible communication with them. You can grow and expand together because you don’t waste your energy in fixing problems between both of you. And as artists, you wanna make sure that you spend your energy on being creative, connecting with other people, taking care of your instrument and taking the time for your self tapes and auditions.

Having an aligned agent will impact everything you do in your life: you’ll get the right auditions and feel safe in them; you’ll feel that your team is supporting you; you can have all these opportunities coming and you can show up for them because you're not wearing yourself out, hitting your head against the wall to know what to do with your current agent. All you’ll have to do is the acting part.

Watch my training to hear all my thoughts on this topic.

After you watch the training, I'd love for you to join in the conversation happening in our private Facebook Group. You can get answers for your specific situation directly from me and connect with HUNDREDS of like-minded actors across the globe, so we can move things forward faster together!

If you're not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP.

See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  • Join my free Facebook Group, THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS' SOCIETY, exclusively for actors who are ready to go from good to great and become undeniable.

  • Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set.You'll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days.



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