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Are you afraid to make mistakes when you act?

Jo Kelly

Is the fear of failure overwhelming you in the audition room?

I know, the fear is BIG. It's heavy, and it's probably weighing you down.

A lot of actors have told me they're "extremely scared" to make mistakes. It’s their biggest fear as an actor. And the list of fears I have heard is endless:

  • Not knowing your sides well enough before an audition

  • Not being able to be fully free and expressive on set

  • Being too attached to the result

  • Being so focused on what you're doing that you cannot listen to your scene partner and react

  • Being so nervous that you are unable to hear your intuition

  • Not feeling prepared enough

  • Being bad at blocking

  • Taking direction poorly

  • Making a "bad" or "wrong" choice (as if there's a right choice...)

  • Not respecting the material enough

  • Acting in front of an important decision maker or famous actor

  • Even just speaking to casting directors in the audition room!

Ugh, guys, I could go on and on......

The fear of making a mistake pushes you to a place where you're no longer in the moment, you're performing. You're trying to remember your lines perfectly, or figure out what the casting director wants, or what their body language meant when you entered the room... you're not doing the job you came there to be hired for, which is to be ALIVE.

And no matter how much you try to avoid mistakes, it won’t give you the results you want.

When you watch my free training, you’ll discover…

  1. The simple reason why the fear of making a mistake dominates us, not just among actors but in life in general.

  2. Mistakes do not actually exist. No, it's not a magic trick, or even a mindset shift, really, it's just a lesson in human history.

  3. You may be an actor, but you've been doing math in the audition room. I'll explain what that means and why it's time for you to stop.

  4. When you have a free instrument, there is only one thing you need to do in the audition room, and I'll explain what that is.

Watch the training below and begin to release your fear of “failing”.

After you watch the training, I’d love to hear from you, so I invite you to join in the conversation happening in our private Facebook Group. You’ll also get access to more videos and resources, and connect with more than a THOUSAND like-minded actors across the globe.

If you’re not already a member, be sure to request to join ASAP.

See you there!

Jo Kelly

Creator, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free Facebook Group, THE INSTINCTIVE ACTORS’ SOCIETY, exclusively for actors who are ready to go from good to great and become undeniable. REQUEST TO JOIN:

  2. Get on the waitlist for my course, The Reset Journey From Resistance to Freedom, and stop struggling to access your natural, authentic talent in the audition room or on set. You’ll learn how to reset your instrument to be 100% instinctive and free in just 33 days. GET ON WAITLIST:

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