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#10- Don't act, just BE. "Are male Boogies different than female Boogies?"

Jo Kelly

This week, I just have to cross 2 Boogie stories.

A male Boogie and a female Boogie.

Mars and Venus, really;-)

-Boogie guy, is working in a group with me and he was always resisting his emotions in his training cuz he thought that all he ever felt was anger, so he was resisting it and felt stuck.

-Boogie girl is working with me 1-on-1, in a private coaching setting and she was always resisting her emotions in our training cuz she felt that all she ever did was cry. So she was fed up with it and was resisting her tears.

See the pattern?

Ever felt so stuck in one emotion that you feel you never have anything else to give?

Welcome to the club of men and women…

Most men get stuck in anger and women get stuck in tears. Cliche? Maybe, maybe not…

So what do you do?










“But how coach?” The Boogies asked.

To which i replied “Exactly how I said it…”











Step by step.

Go through your initial default emotion.

Accept it, embrace it, celebrate it.

And pretty quickly, start feeling the waves of everything else you instrument has lived for you:

The flow, the ugly, the hurt, the fun, the vulnerable, the despicable,… ALL OF IT!!!

It’s right there hiding under your default emotion.


Don’t even think about trying to figure that one, it will get you in the head and won’t serve your actor. But basically if you need to know, it’s just a defense mechanism to protect yourself from the less easy acceptable emotions ( to you).

See?! You got in your head!! So forget about this answer, just focus on diving into what you have right now. And that’s all you need to access the rest.

After the initial paradigm shift, both Boogies are now in a place where step by step we are working to reveal, feel safe and start to get comfortable with everything that was hiding under their default emotion.

The door is now open. The key was just under the very place they didn't wanna go to;-)

Ahhh men and women... Not that different after all;-)

Thank you for reading and if you liked it, I invite you to share this post with like minded artists!

See you next week in the next Blog!

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