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This is my free pass to bragging!

Jo Kelly

A few days ago, I said I’d write with more info about what the ONLINE SEMI-PRIVATE WORKSHOP entails but I have been holding back because honestly I don’t know where to start. The benefits of this program are just too abundant for me to wrap my head around.

NO KIDDING AND YES, OFFICIALLY BRAGGING!! Get ready for a loooooong email….

So here is my very disorganized list of perks for this ONLINE semi-private workshop:

  • It focusses on YOU: Whatever you are working on or not working on, we will address it. To get an idea, in the online group 1, participants are working on anything from emotional freedom, commitment, purposeful choices, time + training management to character development.

  • It is convenient to your schedule: Nowadays, we are all so busy running around. But you don’t need to make space for this, it will fit in any schedule. You take it when you want to, without loosing time in traffic or in the metro… If you are away working, shooting, driving,… or napping…you still get to participate by uploading your work and questions in advance and then by watching the recorded session with my comments the same day.

  • It is convenient to your location: Take it and watch it wherever you are, in whichever continent, Starbucks, street, train or even your car during the live version or the recorded version. Basically anywhere with an iPhone or smartphone will do!

  • It wont let you use your regular excuses to not commit by making you more accountable and hence more confident: Since you never miss a session with the recording, you can go to work, meetings, auditions, travels, even have a day job and still train and commit to the homework that you will get in order to reach your goal. Again... No excuses;-)

  • It’s result oriented not training oriented: You set an objective, and we work out a strategy and an action plan + the accountability for your to reach it

  • It offers double the value of what you pay for: You pay $400 and you get a value of $855 ( 6 x 30 min private for $450 + 15 hours group for $27/h)

  • It is the ideal way to get ready for pilot season

  • You learn to self-tape like a pro or perfect your taping skills : It makes you have access to international markets and online casting. When you have the process down, it opens the doors to more work internationally!

  • You work each time: you get the private focus for 30 min and the group experience for the rest of the time

  • It's for performing artists: actors, singers, dancers + writers & directors

  • You get access to me twice a week through a private chat group: No need to wait to see me the following week to ask your important questions;-/ Here you can also share resources with the other participants and enjoy the community outside the coaching hours

  • There is no room for complacency. It’s not fun per se, it’s focussed and result oriented: unlike in a physical group class where you can hide what actually hurts but needs to be worked on, and instead get some fake impression that you are performing by doing “interesting scenes”, entertaining yourself, socializing… This is just you, your objectives and you reaching them.

  • Semi private is more pumped-up & boosted than private: When you only have 30 minutes of coaching, trust me, you and I will have a common interest… we’ll get our ducks in line to breakthrough faster

  • This workshop is giving you a 2 day option: You can either work on Wednesdays or on Fridays, and you can participate each day

  • This workshop is a way for you to taste the online experience and decide if you want to join the subsequent ongoing online semi-private group workshop that will start in 2017.

  • Last but not least, we live in the crazy "like generation" and we work for a crazy industry. It is more and more difficult for artists to keep their integrity intact as everything out there is pulling in the other direction. So, get to work every week and keep yourself in check. If you’ve been with me in the room you know what my coaching is like. A consistent training that focusses on YOU rather than yet another "method" will keep you in line with your art and maximize your potential.

To tell you the truth, I could go on with this, it literally makes me high;-) But I’ll stop, cuz I don’t wanna make your head spin, if it's not already;-) If any of this makes sense to you, let me know, and we can talk more to see if this would be a fit for you. Click here.

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