English Interviews
- "With the reset, I found my way back to my truth…. to my self. It’s been such a game changer for me!
I feel like I have been looking for a journey like this for So long, it gives me chills. Because going through life... we put a cap on our emotions, on everything that happens to us and i personally became a caricature of myself, so I was ready to tap back into my truth, and the Reset Journey really enabled me to do that.
So I use to hate auditions cuz I had so much resistance and I would try and pull it together and suppress certain things and now I know how to come exactly how I am.
And also, I was’t even sure I could do something like that online and actually the fact that it’s online is amazing cuz you can do it from anywhere! Really helpful for my acting but great for anybody... artist or not who wants to get back to their truth, it’s really amazing!"- Reset Actress
- “The exercises are great - I choose yesterday a monologue from a play i never read so i don’t know what it is about - it is amazing that way - i had tears coming on their own with joy - anger - sadness - drunk All of that just paying attention to what i was feeling in my body at the moment - it also improved my reading/remembering (technical aspect) for wich i am not great (it will help a lot)- Just felt like sharing this 🙏 i loved it (again)” - Resetter in his Journey
- “Thank you for making us write. I wrote that automatically in a couple of minutes- it feels so good ! I forgot that it could be easy to express myself that way without it being difficult and painful”- Resetter in his Journey
- “The shoot was amazing, all the emotions came”- Reset actress
- “I was shooting a film and I had so much emotion, it was crazy"- Reset actor
- “I just wanted to let you know that I finished the last session yesterday and it was amazing again and it was one of my…. NO! to be honest it was the best journey ever”- Reset actress
- "I am just booking back to back now”- Reset actress
- “I am just loving how everyone is so transparent in the journey and i just am starting to feel like massive sensations of like a convulsion of freedom…"- Resetter in his Journey
- “ It is being amazing. I loved these 33 days. Jo you really delivered!! It’s been exhilarating! I loved doing the exercises because it puts you back in touch with yourself all the time. I also love this group. It’s like having a class in your living room and that’s extraordinary. You became part of my family”- Reset actor
- “This is the last day of my reset and the first day of the beginning of a new life. Thank you Jo for all that you’ve given us for all the tools. Now everything that I’ve learned before about theater makes sense” - Reset actor
- “These tools work for so many things. I am grateful to have something to turn to when I’m having a block.” Reset actress
- "Oh and today I booked the lead tv series part I auditioned for last week! 💃💃" Reset actress
- " I just wanted to say I finished both of my auditions today. One was for a commercial and the other for a dramatic feature. I did exactly what I wanted to do and I am happy with that. No people pleasing" - Reset actress
- "Today been pencilled for one of the biggest tv series on at the mo, filming in beautiful Scotland for 3 weeks!!! ☺️"- Reset actress
- " I feel like I finally have the tools to combat all the things that have potentially sabotaged me in the past. No matter the outcome of the castings" - Reset actor
- "I am finally living the way I always imagined it could be" - Reset actress
- "I was just used to avoiding the feelings and just powering through them. But I am so grateful for feeling them now- they are my truth. They are me. They are who I’ve always been but have been suppressing."- Reset actress
- "Somehow I get casts and casts and universe just make it happen haha” -Reset actress
- "On booking a LEAD in TV show and pinned for another the same day, I told this actress she had become a bad ass motherfucking actress and she replied "Laughing so much! 😂😂 BMFA!!! thank you Jo, this work has been a godsend to me 🙏🏻🥰 stepping it up to be set ready...in my power 💥" - Reset actress
- "Starting my prep of a weeks shoot I'm doing at the end of Aug, using all the tools I've learnt so for! Plus been cast by someone I've worked with before for a short...and I even didn't have to audition!! :-) xxx" - Reset actress
- "I am loving this reset journey Jo. It's just like.... pure LIFE"- Resetter in his journey
- "Jo Kelly thank you! just had an awesome casting and it really touched me and all the emotions came🙏🏻" - Reset actress
- " Day 15. On track with everything. As I said to Antoine today, the course seems like an alchemical process. So far so good. Ready for the second round.The H B exercise today was fun an brought up old memories." - Resetter in his journey
- "Being 90% alive and present in character in my show yesterday, I felt a really like Rockstar despite the difficult environment (night club, part of the audience not really paying attention...). The 10% came from me wondering what people was thinking about it during 1 or 2 seconds (come on, who cares... :)). But it was not really disturbing. I had good feedbacks despite the provocative theme (repressed sexuality) and slightly trash form." - Reset actor
- "I’m back from my weeks filming!! OMG! My biggest yay was the feedback from the writer/director, the story was a terrifying true event from her life, so it was pretty much emotionally intense the whole time! She said I was phenomenal and my performances were outstanding! 😊😊 which was lovely to hear as I wanted to do the story justice! Thank you so much Jo, your voice was in my head as I prepped for each scene as if you were actually there talking me through it 🥰🥰xxx" - Reset actress
- "I literally left my skin yesterday during an audition😂and I definitely enjoyed it so much. Nice to have more confidence and self esteem in every step I go. So happy to be riding this wave 👐" - Resetter in her journey
- "I just wanted to share something: I had my first proper (in person) audition since completing the Reset Journey in July. I got to the audition and felt in the zone of the character. When I went in the room I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the casting director, I just wanted to jump into doing the scene. Did a run that went well, they asked for a variation (the character is now on Valium by this stage, improv the end of the scene etc.) and rather than it making me feel on a back foot as it would have done in the past I was like ‘great, OK, drop that in the mix.’ And really just enjoyed myself for the first time in an audition. No idea if I’ll get it, but I kind of don’t care. I enjoyed it for my own benefit. Thanks Jo 😎" - Reset actor
- "I’m back from my weeks filming!! OMG! What a week!! Lack of uploads has been due to such a full on schedule but it was great!!! I would say I was 85% in it the whole time, very all consuming so it’s taken a day to catch up with myself! My biggest yay was the feedback from the writer/director, the story was a terrifying true event from her life, so it was pretty much emotionally intense the whole time! She said I was phenomenal and my performances were outstanding! 😊😊 which was lovely to hear as I wanted to do the story justice! Back to full on purpose tomorrow and into week 11 😊😊 Thank you so much Jo, your voice was in my head as I prepped for each scene as if you were actually there talking me through it 🥰🥰xxx" - Reset actress
- "Finish week 12 of the Purpose, and most of all, I have realized from this Journey and Purpose that, beyond acting, there is a state of "openness" and "ownership" I can experiment at every moment and whatever the circumstances it gives a very special taste to life. I want to be in that state 100% of time. I want to be fully alive with no compromise. This is my comitment for this last week." Reset actor
- "Just did Day 3 of my Reset Journey and I LOVED that experience!! Excited for what's next...! I've been sitting playing around with my guitar/singing and my voice already feels freer just from those exercises. I am amazed! "-Resetter in his journey
- "Posting a win! I had two auditions yesterday. I used the exercises and sang completely in the moment and in character. I got emotional without becoming too choked up to sing. It felt great to be in the moment and not worried about being good. Thank you Jo Kelly for leading me on this journey."-Resetter in her journey
- "I performed as a singer this week end. I cuoldn't believe how free I was. I was like jumping off a cliff and it was just an amazing sensation."- Reset actress
- "Day 1 exercise already opened me up where I've been blocked for years. I'm struggling not to tear into day two before bed tonight! Thanks for putting this together Jo."-Resetter in her journey
- "Day 33 and I’m done - thank you resetters & good luck to you where ever you are in your journey 🎉🎉🎉 I feel sad and excited, grateful and responsible and ready for what comes next 🥳 🍾 🎉" - Reset actress
- "Thanks, Jo Kelly! I'm really psyched. I've been sitting playing around with my guitar/singing and my voice already feels freer just from those exercises. I am amazed!"- Resetter in her journey
- "Family! I’ve had my head buried in the pilot for weeks focused on developing so many different characters. Tonight we are FINALLY getting together for a table read. I’m trusting myself. Trusting my writing. And thanking Jo Kelly and this group for the support over the last few months. There’s so much left to do but I wouldn’t even be here if I hadn’t felt so compelled to create and so supported throughout the process." - Reset actress
- "Hi! I am just starting day one on this journey that is to come and I have to say I just had my first little breakdown (nice to meet you Day 1). Didn't expect this to be so intense and liberating since the begining. I am eager to know more about myself and feel confident with who I am, because now it doesn't really feel like this. So excited to continue!" - Resetter in her Journey
- "Jo Kelly I feel so different. I was cast in a role I really wanted. I walked into the audition feeling centered and focused on what my instincts were telling me. The people pleaser had left the building. I have noticed some amazing changes in my personal life also. I am excited for the Purpose Group and going to the next level. ❤️👍🏻"- Reset actress
- Sooo...I have completed the reset & purpose journey..🥰
Words cannot express the deep thanks and love from my soul to Jo and all of you on here.
Being here has made everything so much clearer, OMG I might even take a picture of all the pages of scene analysis that I used to do, which felt like a chore and didn’t really help me......
I feel so focused, no longer phased by the whole acting thing..pleasing others, getting it right etc etc. The list is endless 😂😂
It’s like lifting off all the layers and layers of confusing toxic crap or “this is how you do it” teachings and revealing a crystal clear path that excites and lifts me... knowing my true self...and what a feeling that is! 💃💃 ...then being able to express that through my characters...yippeee!
I’ll still be here doing my stuff, supporting, shining light and sending love to your hearts.
💫💖💫💖💫💖"- Reset actress
- " I have gained connection to myself. I have gained a love for myself and a peace- the things I used to think were wrong about myself I find are actually pretty cool.. I feel like I don’t really need much to be happy and I feel like I know now more what it is I stand for."- Reset actor
- "I have recived the sixth episode of the tvseries and my character is also in it and alive 😂!! 6 out of 6 . The season is 8 episode. I love my character and my partnerts!! Enjoying the process!! "- Reset actor
- "I cannot thank Jo Kelly enough for the journey that took where I am now!! I haven't felt this aligned, and open, and creative and I haven't had this release in so many years and I have been searching for a few years relentlessly for this release of: "why do I feel this thing that I'm not getting to scratch?" and I cannot thank Jo Kelly enough for the journey "- Reset actress
- "This Journey came into my life at exactly the right time. I've been struggling big time for a number of years, walking through the fire of a lot of stuff, and I'm ready to surrender to it. When I watched your webinar, everything you were saying resonated with exactly where I am and what I've been in turmoil about as an actor for a really long time. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Thank you Jo Kelly! I'm loving it and really excited about how everything will unfold."- Resetter in his Journey